
Winterton Federation Curriculum Statement 

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Our curriculum is based on our Federation Vision statement (to be the beacon for learning) and in particular on our Federation Mission statement: 

“At ‘The Winterton Federation’ we endeavour to nurture unique individuals in a happy, safe, respectful and inclusive environment, where everyone is inspired to be the best they can be. We are all proud to be united in faith, vision and ambition.”

Curriculum Intent

At The Winterton Federation, our curriculum has been carefully designed to be ambitious to ensure all learners are well-equipped for their ‘Journey of Life’, and to play a key role in the wider Winterton Community. It has its foundations rooted in the local context of our area, allowing children to learn more about their unique home. It is built to overcome barriers to success, and enables children to experience and develop ‘Core Memories’ that they might not ordinarily get the opportunity to access. Knowledge, skills and concepts are clearly outlined in an age-appropriate and progressive way from EYFS to Year 6, while ensuring the learning and developmental needs of all pupils are met, through the application of the latest educational research. We are committed to creating a language-rich environment, offering opportunities in speaking and listening activities across a range of topics and subjects, and we have put reading at the heart of not only our English curriculum, but our wider-curriculum as a whole, with a particular focus on our love of picture books.

We are proud to offer rich and vibrant opportunities which draw upon meaningful real-life experiences and opportunities to explore every child’s full potential.

Curriculum Implementation

Skills and knowledge are taught discreetly in subject areas, so that our children gain a broad and balanced understanding of each subject and know when they are learning about science or history for example.  

English curriculum includes: speaking and listening; writing, encompassing grammar, punctuation and spelling with opportunities for writing across the curriculum. Children develop a love of reading through discrete phonic teaching (Read, Write, Inc programme) guided reading sessions and class story time; Comprehension skills are taught discretely on a weekly basis.

Maths curriculum is based on the White Rose Maths which facilitates the national curriculum and has a proven track record of success for all; daily mental maths opportunities; problem solving and reasoning is key and is embedded within curriculum. Teachers plan opportunities to use a range of strategies to develop pupil’s understanding of the subject with cross curricula links and real life opportunities. 

Educational visits and visitors provide further opportunities for enriching the curriculum. 

Curriculum Impact

At Winterton Federation we strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and excellent standards. We achieve good results in terms of academic success. Our children make good progress from entry to the Federation Nursery through KS1 and, by the end of Key Stage Two, exceed national and local results. Our stimulating curriculum teaches core skills in English, maths and science whilst actively promoting all other curriculum areas. 

Our children enjoy lessons and we believe this early love of learning stimulates children to become life-long learners.

Our work on promoting social skills including good manners, resilience, self-awareness, consideration and cooperation throughout the curriculum enables most children to become fantastic role models and the very best version of themselves.

Monitoring Impact of the curriculum

At Winterton Federation children are assessed every lesson which helps the teacher plan the next steps to be taught. At the end of each term assessment data is gathered and progress is checked by the senior leadership team. Children are expected to make good or better progress in all subjects and this individual progress is tracked and reported to parents and carers at parents evening and through the annual report.

Our Curriculum

A new National Curriculum was introduced to Y1, 3, 4 and 5 pupils in September 2014. Y2 and Y6 pupils began following it in September 2015.
The curriculum has “Programmes of Study” that pupils in each year group are expected to follow. The skills and knowledge should be thoroughly learned, so that pupils have a secure knowledge of it by the end of each year. For this reason, at The Winterton Federation, we give pupils lots of opportunities to revisit and revise their learning on a frequent basis, by encouraging them to use their knowledge and skills through problem solving and creative activities.
We follow a theme each term in each year group. Teachers ask pupils what they would like to learn in relation to the theme and the questions raised are used as the basis for that term’s learning. The new curriculum has less content than the previous curriculum, so this allows teachers to be more flexible with what pupils learn.

Religious Education

Religious Education is a curriculum entitlement for all children and the school follows the Lincolnshire Agreed Scheme and Understanding Christianity. Religious Education does not seek to urge religious beliefs on children or to compromise the integrity of their own beliefs by promoting one religion over another.  Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education.  Suitable alternative provision will be made.

RE Aims
To develop an understanding and respect for the beliefs, values and practices of other people.
To reflect on and respond to the values, beliefs and practices of religions and philosophies.
To enable pupils to develop their own insights.
In addition to RE , friendship, respect and tolerance are also taught through our Personal, Social, Health Education program.
Through a combination of approaches, including RE, WJS is able to ensure that our children develop an understanding of all the key British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Personal Liberty and Tolerance of other faiths and cultures.

National Tests

Please refer to the Department for Education website where an explanation of the end of Key Stage 1 and 2 statutory assessment testing; Phonics Screening in Year 1 and Multiplication Check Year 4 can be found.  

Teaching is not an exact science and good teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and methods.  What is important is that your child achieves their potential whilst in our care.  Although we have challenging targets to achieve in the core subjects of English and Mathematics we aim to achieve high standards in all areas of school life including both learning and behaviour.  Above all we try to make our curriculum as exciting and stimulating as possible so that our children really enjoy coming to school to learn and when they leave us they are well equipped for life to come and be in a position to make a positive contribution to society as a well-rounded individual.