

The governing board of The Winterton Federation is the federation’s legally accountable body. It is responsible for the federation to the local authority, and the to the diocese (in the case of the Infants School).

In law the governing board is charged with:

(a) ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;

(b) ensuring that the Headteacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and

(c) ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

The Governing board appoints the Executive Headteacher (EHT) and delegates the operation of the federation to her. We work closely with the EHT, and her team, offering support and challenge to ensure the very best education is provided for every child.

The governing board conducts itself in accordance with the 7 Principles of Public Life (The Nolan Principles) and also in accordance with the values of the federation. We take our responsibilities seriously and our work is organised to ensure we fulfil our legal responsibilities.

We are always pleased to hear from individuals who would like to find out more about becoming a governor – do ask in school if you are interested.

Below you will find a link to a short video explaining more about governance, and documents including a list of governors, an FAQs document, and an Impact Statement to explain how we have made a difference.

You Tube video LINK The role of school governors and trustees

The Winterton Federation Governors

Mrs Rosie Hoyle (Chair of Governors) (Foundation) Mrs Hoyle can be contacted via the Junior School Office – [email protected]

Mrs Catherine Kemp (Vice Chair of Governors) (LA)

Mrs Cathy Logan (Executive Headteacher)

Mrs Donna Goodhand (Staff)

Mrs Sheila Rowe (Foundation)

Ms Janet Turville (Foundation)

Mrs Emma Johns (Co-Opted)

Mrs Cheryl Baxter (Co-Opted)

Miss Melissa Parker (Co-Opted)

Mr John Doubtfire (Co-Opted)

Mr Rob Featherstone (Co-Opted)

Mr Christopher Bradley-Moulson (Parent)

Mrs Amy Altoft (Clerk)